Discussion Circle Content

In addition to our in-person Gathering Circles on Sunday mornings, we are offering a video-based teaching experience for anyone to watch at any time. Our Sunday morning Gathering Circles offer a place to come together, engage with one another, and learn from the Bible. The video teachings will offer a way for anyone to benefit from these teaching experiences, whether they are in-person or not.

Currently, the Scripture Discussion Circle is being taught by Rob Kranz with a lesson entitled: “Being God's Image". These classes will be recorded each Sunday and available online beginning Tuesday afternoons to view.


Latest Videos


Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 8

Description: In this lesson, Curtis Williams continues a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.



Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 7

Description: In this lesson, Curtis Williams continues a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.

7.14.24 Slides



Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 6

Description: In this lesson, Curtis Williams continues a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.

7.7.24 Slides



Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 5

Description: In this lesson, Curtis Williams continues a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.

6.30.24 Slides



Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 4

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz continues a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.

6.23.24 Slides



Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 3

Description: In this lesson, Curtis Williams continues a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.

6.16.24 Slides



Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 2

Description: In this lesson, Curtis Williams continues a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.

6.9.24 Slides


6.2.2024 - No Video

Title: So You’re Dead, Now What? Lesson 1

Description: In this lesson, Curtis Williams begins a biblical study of
death and afterlife and how they impact our lives now.

6.2.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image Lesson 16: Wrap-Up and Summary.

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz provides a brief summary of the entire series and then takes questions from the audience.

5.26.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Lesson #15 – Why This Study Matters.

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz examines one of the reasons why what we believe about the role of women within the church has Kingdom consequences and is more than just a theoretical discussion. The text for this lesson is Judges 19–21. WARNING: This lesson contains discussions of sexual violence.

5.19.24 Slides



Title: Elders and Deacons

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz examines passages relating to elders and deacons in the early church. These passages are remarkable for how they envision these roles in relation to Roman society. Rob also examines some interpretive challenges in these passages.

5.12.24 Slides



Title: Paul and Women

Description: Some of the most problematic passages in the New Testament about women are attributed to Paul (see Lessons 2, 3, and 4). However, women play an essential role in Paul’s ministry and the history of the early church. In this lesson, Rob Kranz examines the role women play in Paul’s ministry. Any interpretation of the “problematic” passages cannot be taken independently but must be considered in the context of Paul’s engagement with women.

5.5.24 Slides



Title: Jesus and Women

Description: Many passages could be discussed about Jesus’s dealings with women. In this lesson, Rob Kranz focuses on Luke 8:1–3. In this passage, we learn that a group of women support Jesus’s ministry “out of their own resources.” Rob examines this phrase and shows how it relates to Roman society at large and makes some interesting connections with the Jewish communities in Asia Minor.

4.28.24 Slides



Title: Sarah and Hagar

Description: Sarah and Hagar (Gen 16 and 21) are two women who function within a patriarchal system in the Bible. However, that does not mean they don’t have agency and exercise remarkable power. In this lesson, Rob Kranz explores the stories of Hagar and Sarah and how these women exercise power and authority. Hagar engages with God in ways usually reserved for the Patriarchs.

4.21.24 Slides



Title: Huldah and the Prophet

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz explores a “deep cut” in the Old Testament: the story of King Josiah and the female prophet, Huldah (2 Kings 22). This lesson examines what we know about Huldah and what other options Josiah might have had in seeking guidance from the LORD. Huldah shines through as the authoritative voice of God for both King Josiah and the High Priest Hilkiah.

4.14.24 Slides



Title: Deborah and the Chieftain

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz explores the account of Deborah (and Ja’el) in Judges 4–5. This class explores Deborah as a prophetess and judge of Israel and whether or not she has this role because men failed to take their God-given role or if she was given this role independent of the men.

4.7.24 Slides



Title: Resurrection

Description: We discuss some of the surprises found in the Gospel accounts of the resurrection.

3.24.24 Slides



Title: Atonement Theory

Description: A brief summary of various atonement theories and impact on our view of Christ’s mission.

3.17.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - What is Patriarchy? Lesson 8

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz examines how our modern perspective of patriarchy differs from patriarchy in the Bible. Genesis 27 provides the background to explore the roles and responsibilities of women within the household structure.

3.10.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - A Look at Where We’ve Been: Lesson 7

Description: In this week's lesson, Rob Kranz takes a step back to review the first six lessons of this study. He also provided an opportunity for more discussion and questions from the class

3.3.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - Gen 2:4–3:24 – A Suitable Helper? Lesson 6

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz examines the Garden of Eden story and what we can learn about the relationships between women and men and the Kingdom of God. How should we understand the consequences of their disobedience in relation to God’s design and our mission within the Kingdom of God?

2.25.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - In the Image of God (Gen 1:1–2:3), Lesson 5

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz looks at the first creation account in Genesis 1. He examines the poetry of this chapter to show how humankind is portrayed differently from the rest of creation and how “male and female” function in connection to humankind being made in the image of God.

2.18.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - Silent Women, Lesson 4

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz examines 1 Cor 14:34–36, where Paul says that women should be silent in the churches. He discusses the cultural components of this letter and the broader issues Paul addresses, including others that he commands to be silent.

2.11.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - The Big "But", (Part 2) Lesson 3

Description: The Big “But...” (Part 2). In this lesson, Rob Kranz delves into the social context of 1 Tim 2, emphasizing verses 13–15. He examines this passage in light of what we know about the Greek goddess Artemis of the Ephesians, her relationship to the city of Ephesus, and how Artemis might fit into the cultural context of new converts to Christianity in that city.

2.4.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - The Big "But", (Part 1) Lesson 2

Description: For many people, Paul’s prohibition against women teaching men in 1 Tim 2:12 is a clear commandment we must follow today. In this lesson, Rob Kranz carefully examines this passage by looking at the Greek words Paul uses and the construction of this sentence. When compared with New Testament passages of similar grammatical structure, Paul’s prohibition carries a different meaning than many of our English translations reflect.

1.28.24 Slides



Title: Being God’s Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - Lesson 1b

Description: In this lesson, Rob Kranz introduces the series and addresses some common (mis)perceptions about the terms complementarianism and egalitarianism.

1.21.24 Slides


1.14.2024 - No Video

Title: Being God's Image: Women and Men in the Kingdom of God - Lesson 1a

Description: Rob Kranz starts a new series called "Being God's Image", this is the Part 1 of the first lesson.

1.14.24 Slides



Title: The Mission of Christ - Week Seven

Description: Wrap up discussion on Paul’s vision of the role of the church.

12.17.23 Slides



Title: The Mission of Christ - Week Six

Description: Continued discussion on Paul’s vision of the role of the church.

12.10.23 Slides



Title: The Mission of Christ - Week Five

Description: Continued discussion on Paul’s vision of the role of the church.

12.3.23 Slides



Title: The Mission of Christ - Week Four

Description: Continued discussion on Paul’s vision of the role of the church.

11.26.23 Slides



Title: Fulfilling the Mission of Christ - Week Three

Description: Continued discussion on Paul’s vision of the role of the church.

11.19.23 Slides



Title: Fulfilling the Mission of Christ - Week Two

Description: Continued discussion on Paul’s vision of the role of the church.

11.12.23 Slides



Title: Fulfilling the Mission of Christ - Introduction

Description: Jess Ellis begins a short series discussing Paul’s vision of the role of the church.

11.05.23 Slides


Archive Videos


Title: Lesson 4 - Creation and the Flood

Description: Rob Kranz continues a new series called "The Flood", the third lesson is called "Creation and the Flood".

10.29.23 Slides



Title: Lesson 3 - The Flood in Film

Description: Rob Kranz continues a new series called "The Flood", the third lesson is called "The Flood in Film".

10.22.23 Slides



Title: Lesson 2 - Ancient Sources

Description: Rob Kranz begins a new series called "The Flood", the second lesson is called "Ancient Sources".

10.15.23 Slides



Title: Lesson 1 - Children Stories

Description: Rob Kranz begins a new series called "The Flood", the first lesson is called "Children Stories".

10.9.23 Slides



Title: Lesson 9b - The Rise of Apocalypticism

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The ninth lesson called The Rise of Apocalypticism

10.1.23 Slides



Title: Lesson 9a - The Rise of Apocalypticism

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The ninth lesson called The Rise of Apocalypticism

9.24.23 Slides


9.17.2023 - No Video

Title: Lesson 8 - And Your Little Dog Too.

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The eigth lesson is titled "And Your Little Dog Too."

9.17.23 Slides


9.10.2023 - No Video

Title: Lesson 7 - What's So Special About Eliah?

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The seventh lesson asks the question "What's So Special About Eliah?"

9.10.23 Slides



Title: Lesson 6 - The Parable of the Dives and Lazarus

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The sixth lesson focuses on The Parable of the Dives and Lazarus.

8.20.23 Slides



Title: Lesson Five: The Parable of the Persistent Widow

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The fifth lesson focuses on The Parable of the Persistent Widow.

8.13.23 Slides


8.6.2023 - No Video

Title: Lesson Four: Jesus and Current Events Part 2

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The fourth lesson focuses on Jesus and Current Events.

8.6.23 Slides



Title: Lesson Three: Jesus and Current Events Part 1

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The third lesson focuses on Jesus and Current Events.

7.30.23 Slides



Title: Lesson Two: The Greatest Commandment

Description: We continue our study taught by Rob Kranz. The second lesson focuses on The Greatest Commandment.

7.23.23 Slides



Title: Lesson One: Jewish Groups and Sects

Description: We begin a new study taught by Rob Kranz. The first lesson focuses on Jewish Groups and Sects.

7.16.23 Slides


7.9.2023 - No video this week

Title: Life After Life After Death - Part Three

Description: We continue our short study on “the end times”.

7.9.23 Slides

The Story Text


7.2.2023 - No video this week

Title: Life After Life After Death - Part Two

Description: We continue our short study on “the end times”.

7.2.23 Slides



Title: Life After Life After Death - Part One

Description: We begin a short three week study on “the end times”. What do we know? What do we imagine? What should our focus be?

6.25.23 Slides



Title: Jude Wrap Up

Description: Jude Summary and Q&A

6.18.23 Slides



Title: Jude 18

Description: The wrap up to Jude and why Jude applies to us today

6.4.23 Slides



Title: Jude 14

Description: Jude quotes Enoch 1 to further his warning against false teachers

5.28.23 Slides



Title: Jude 11-13

Description: Three more historical typological patterns of rebellion by Cain, Balaam and Kora associated with the false teachers Jude is addressing in his letter.

5.21.23 Slides



Title: Jude 9-10

Description: Michael the archangel vs Devil where in the Bible is this story?

5.14.23 Slides



Title: Jude 5-8 Wrap Up

Description: Jude links the Sodom and Gomorrah event to the Sin of the Angels.

5.7.23 Slides



Title: Jude 5-8 Part Four

Description: We continue the discussion of the “sin of the angels” in verse six.

4.30.23 Slides



Title: Jude 5-8 Part Three

Description: We continue the discussion of the “sin of the angels” in verse six.

4.23.23 Slides



Title: Jude 5-8 Part Two

Description: We continue the discussion of the “sin of the angels” in verse six.

4.16.23 Slides



Title: Jude 5-8 Part One

Description: This week we begin a discussion on the "sin of the angels" in verse six and the events at Sodom in verse seven and how they relate to Jude's warning of the false teachers among his audience.

4.2.23 Slides



Title: Jude 6

Description: The Fallen Angels that sinned

3.19.23 Slides



Title: Jude 1:1-4 

Description: Jesus and Moses in Exodus

3.12.23 Slides



Title: Paul's Worldview Summary

Description: Romans overview and summary.

3.5.23 Slides



Title: Living as Christ's People

Description: After Paul spends a significant portion of his letter to the Roman church focused on their shared salvation and righteousness, he now turns to how to live as Christ's people among their vast differences in heritage and worldviews.

2.26.23 Slides




Title: Romans 9 Part 2

Description: Fully understanding Jeremiah, Isaiah and Hosea so that we can see how Paul misuses those prophecies in Romans 9… part 2.

2.19.23 Slides



Title: Romans 9 Part 1

Description: Fully understanding Jeremiah, Isaiah and Hosea so that we can see how Paul misuses those prophecies in Romans 9… part 1.

2.12.23 Slides



Title: Romans 4

Description: Being Righteous and reflecting the righteousness of Yahweh comes from faith, not being baptized, circumcised or keeping the sabbath.

2.5.23 Slides



Title: Romans 1

Description: How can we know YAHWEH is faithful in the promise of salvation.

1.29.23 Slides



Title: Malachi and Romans, Part Two (B)

Description: Finish up Malachi telegraphing the coming Messiah.

1.22.23 Slides



Title: Malachi and Romans, Part Two (A)

Description: Yahweh sends a final message through the prophet Malachi on Israel’s failure to fulfill their calling and vocation. Part Two will be centered on Malachi telegraphing the coming Messiah.

1.15.23 Slides



Title: Malachi and Romans, Part One

Description: Yahweh sends a final message through the prophet Malachi on Israel’s failure to fulfill their calling. Part One will be centered on Israel's “Election & Vocation”.

1.8.23 Slides



Title: Stephen's Use of “Son of Man"

Description: Jesus and Stephen's use of the term "Son of Man" and what it means.



Title: Son of Man, Part 2

Description: This week we explore three more times where Jesus uses “Son of Man” and the reaction to that claim.

12.11.22 Slides



Title: Son of Man

Description: When Jesus uses “son of man” in John 12 how does he misquote Daniel 7 and what do those that hear him think that he means?

12.04.22 Slides



Title: The Messianic Story - Part Two

Description: Continued discussion on looking at scripture from a storied approach using motifs to create anchor points to move the theme forward.

11.27.22 Slides



Title: The Messianic Story - Part One

Description: We begin looking at scripture from a storied approach discovering motifs that move the theme forward and leave anchor points along the way.

11.20.22 Slides



Title: Applying Hermeneutics to Understand Messiah - Part Three

Description: Today we conclude our discussion on understanding Judaism’s teaching of Messiah.

NOTE: There was an issue with the video audio; therefore, no video will be posted this week.

11.13.22 Slides



Title: Applying Hermeneutics to Understand Messiah - Part Two

Description: Continued discussion on understanding Judaism’s teaching of Messiah.



Title: Applying Hermeneutics to Understand Messiah - Part One

Description: This week, we define hermeneutics and discuss its impact on how we interpret biblical text to lay a framework for understanding Judaism’s teaching of Messiah.

10.30.22 Slides



Title: What Does the Bible Say?

Description: The history of the scriptures.

10.23.22 Slides



Title: From a Millennial Point of View

Description: Jess Ellis hosts a Q&A session on the video that was presented on 10.09.22.



Title: From a Millennial Point of View

Description: Jess Ellis chats with his daughter, Jo Ellis, on her views about church today.



Title: The Foundational Anchor Points to Genesis 1-12

Description: Understanding the significance of Eden, the Flood, and most importantly, the Tower of Babel sharpens the focus of our lens as we read the rest of the Bible.

10.2.22 Slides



Title: Correct Anchor Points To Reading the Bible

Description: We discuss several historic “Anchor Points” to reading the Bible that can lead to a “mis-reading” of the text.



Title: Saul to Paul - A Worldview Paradigm Shift

Description: This week we want to look beyond the familiar story of Paul’s conversion from our 21st Century worldview and consider the significance of his conversion in the 1st Century worldview. How did Saul move from wanting to crucify Christ to proclaim he was crucified with Christ? What impact did that single event have on moving God’s mission forward?