Children's Ministry
Infants through 5th Grade
At Greenville Oaks, we know that it’s incredibly important to show children that church is a place where they are loved, accepted, and believed in. We prioritize partnering with families to show children that God loves them and wants to know them. Through Sunday morning classes and children’s worship, we begin building a strong spiritual foundation by introducing children to the Word of God in ways that are fun and relevant.
Our youngest children are introduced to God’s love as we meet their needs and love on them in a safe and nurturing environment. We pray over them and let them know that God made them, God loves them, and God is with them.
Preschool children participate in a time of worship and learning where they can explore Biblical stories and concepts in a fun and engaging way that communicates, at their level of understanding, that God made them, God loves them, and that Jesus is their friend forever.
As children grow, they are encouraged to see themselves as part of God’s incredible never-ending story, learn how to talk to God, and understand how concrete Biblical values and lessons apply to their lives. We teach our grade school children Biblical truths, help them develop relationships with adults that care about them, and encourage them to be a light for Jesus in the world. Elementary children also have the opportunity to participate in fun retreats and special service activities that nurture their faith and develop meaningful friendships that will last.
Children's Ministry Calendar
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Children's FAQ
When and where can children attend Bible class?
Classes are available for all ages on Sunday mornings at 10:00 a.m. Directions and Child Check-In assistance are available at the Welcome Center located in the main foyer at the west entrance.
What do you teach the children?
We teach age-appropriate lessons from the Bible. Read more about the curriculum focus for:
Do you have Children's Worship available during adult worship?
Yes. A staffed nursery is available for infants through two years old during the entire worship time.
Children age three through fifth grade begin worshiping together with their families in the Worship Center. Midway through worship, children are released to continue their worship experience in Children's Worship. Our Children's Ministry servants will take the children to their Children's Worship locations.
Children's Worship will engage the children and help them connect with one another. It includes a time of praise and worship to our God and dramatic storytelling that will reinforce the biblical story and concepts.
We ask parents to check-in their children before worship begins and to pick their children up from their Children's Worship locations (3-Pre-K in Room 156, K-6th Grade in Room 180E) at the end of adult worship.
Who will teach my children?
Caring, energetic Servants from Greenville Oaks teach the children. Our teachers are moms and dads, aunts and uncles, grandmas and grandpas, and other caring adults who have a heart for teaching and want to share God's love with children. Safe Place training and a professional background check are required for all adults who serve in our Children's Ministry.
How will I know my children are safe?
The safety of children is one of our highest priorities. A professional background check and Safe Place certification are required for everyone who works with our children (infants - high school students). All servants are encouraged to wear their Safe Place badges when working with children and must re-certify every three years.
Nut-free, gluten-free snacks are provided at the end of our 9:00 a.m. Worship and at the beginning of our 11:00 a.m. Worship for children, ages two through second grade. We appreciate parents sending a snack for their child if they have a concern. We also encourage parents to complete the Allergy section during Check-In System to help our teachers quickly identify children with allergies.
Infants through fourth grade children are required to wear the name tags printed during Check-In. Parents are required to have their parent tag with them when they pick up their child.
How many teachers are in a classroom?
In many cases, a married couple will team up as co-teachers. As many as four additional "helpers" will be in a classroom for crowd control and to assist with discussions, projects, and other incidentals. Our rule-of-thumb is a 1:6 adult to child ratio for preschool ages.
Are there other activities besides Worship and Bible class in which my children can participate?
Throughout the year, we invite children to participate in multiple activities like Day Camp, Trunk or Treat, and the Children's Christmas Musical. Other family fun activities help our families grow closer to each other, with other families, and in their walk with God.
What school districts are represented in the Greenville Oaks Children’s Ministry?
Children at Greenville Oaks attend schools in Allen, Celina, Frisco, Lovejoy, McKinney, Melissa, Plano, and Wylie as well as other private institutions and home schools.
How can I serve in the Children's Ministry?
Contact our Children's Ministry Team (see below). All servants who work with children (infants – high school students) must complete our Safe Place training. Our Safe Place Policy provides a safe and secure environment for all children. Safe Place training includes an application, checking references, and a background check.
Does Greenville Oaks have a preschool during the week?
Greenville Oaks Christian Preschool (GOCP) meets during the school year on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 a.m. until 2:00 p.m.
Greenville Oaks Christian Preschool
As a ministry of the Greenville Oaks Church of Christ, Greenville Oaks Christian Preschool serves the young families of our congregation and our community. GOCP provides a safe, loving, Christian, caring place for children to learn and grow, as well as have fun with friends and teachers. They currently welcome kids between the ages of 18 months through 5 years old.
Connect to Children's Ministry
Children's Ministry Team
Samantha Campbell Children's Minister |
Michelle Barrick Associate Family Minister |
Children's Email Newsletter
Subscribe to The Path - Greenville Oaks Children's Ministry Email Newsletter to receive monthly updates about events and activities within the Greenville Oaks Children's Ministry.
Social Media
Connect to the Children's Ministry Facebook Group.