Celebrate Recovery

Celebrate Recovery utilizes the teachings of Jesus and biblical principles as the basis for a process that helps people work through the things that create difficulty in their lives. The truths that this process is based upon can help anyone deal with the things causing hurt in our lives, enabling us to recognize our hang-ups so we can move past them and overcome the unhealthy habits we have developed.

No One is Perfect Everyone is Welcome Anything is Possible


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HOPE at Greenville Oaks

Life is hard. Jesus tells us plainly that in this life we will have trouble. Troubles can relentlessly threaten our well-being and the well-being of those we love. Disappointments, illness, loss and trauma can have long-lasting negative impacts.

HOPE is a growth group that combines spiritual truths with positive mental health practices to help members manage the challenges in life. Past and present members have found in HOPE a space to heal and find personal, relational and spiritual growth.

Here is what some members have to say about their participation in HOPE:

  • “When life happens, this is a safe place.”
  • “Hope is the bright spot in my week. It helps me to bring the chaos of the week into order.”
  • “Hope has been integral in transforming my life from death and despair to life and wholeness. I have learned to cling to Jesus and love others.”
  • “In confusing times such as these, it is comforting and encouraging to be welcomed into a safe environment where we refocus on what God has done through Christ for all of us. We come with authentic raw issues of our individual broken lives and leave renewed, revived, and reminded of whose we are and how much we are loved by Him.”

After telling us that we will encounter trouble in this life, Christ tells us not to be afraid because He overcomes the world. In our HOPE meetings we explore ways to live out the reality of living in a hurting world conquered by the love of Jesus Christ. We seek to discover the joy of thriving instead of just surviving. Yes, life is hard. There is hope!

HOPE is structured so that new people can begin at any gathering and remain in the group for the duration of their healing process.

Elise Thompson, a licensed Marriage and Family Therapist, leads HOPE in the Fireside Room on Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. Childcare is currently unavailable.

Contact HOPE at Greenville Oaks

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Community Care Ministry

Our Community Care Ministry meets the needs of those in our church family and community who are enduring hard times. This ministry strives to walk with an individual or family through whatever situation they are experiencing and to offer financial support and guidance, counseling, and spiritual mentoring.

View the 2022 Community Care Brochure to learn more.